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Jost是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/Jost.html 发布时间:2021-03-25
Jost是什么意思 Jost在线翻译 Jost什么意思 Jost的意思 Jost的翻译 Jost的解释 Jost的发音 Jost的同义词 Jost的反义词 Jost的例句 Jost的相关词组 JostJost 基本解释



手机查看Jost的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 Jost 即可Jost 双语例句

1. Jost的近义词

1. Very white beaches and lush mountains on Tortola, the highly colored corals of the atoll of Anegada, spectacular rock formations on Virgin Gorda and the white beaches of Jost Van Dyke as well as a host of other islands all to be discovered.
拥有极致的白沙和苍翠的高山的 Tortola 岛,可以观赏七彩珊瑚环礁的 Anegada 岛,Virgin Gorda 岛上惊人的岩石构成和 Jost Van Dyke 的白沙滩,还有其他美妙的岛屿等待着人们去发现。

2. The proof for the squared Jost solutions is wrong(The dark soliton solution has nocompact support. One can not simulate the case of bright solitons. Using some resultsof the inverse scattering transform perturbation for bright solitons in the proof is moreunreasonable.).

3. Jost

3. The origin and the infinite point on the plane of the affine parameter correspond to the infinite points of the two Reimann sheets.

4. Besides this, discussion about simplicity and analyticity of Jost function is considered which is connected with scatterering.

5. But jost, you no longer have a choice.

6. Jost的近义词

6. It\'s not comparable to other developing countries in that sense, Mr Jost says.

7. It\'s an art opening for this Dutch guy, jost.

8. Moreover, as Jost said, the starting point for front-end renewal is frequently back-office renewal.

9. Jost的近义词

9. And Jost\'s claim that \" comparative literature \" is the \" organic world literature \" is all too subjective.

10. \\u0064\\u0061\\u006E\\u0063\\u0069\\u002E\\u0039\\u0031\\u0031\\u0063\\u0068\\u0061\\u002E\\u0063\\u006F\\u006D

10. The method can\'t completely get rid of the dependence to the IST because that the squared Jost appear as the particular solution in the process of the IST.

11. Jost的解释

11. Another is the direct theory of perturbation, the method of the squared Jost solutions constructed as the basis of perturbation is the most universal in several symmetric ways.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. The Jost Solution of the Schrodinger Equation with a Indefinite Field Item

13. JOST applies most advanced technology of JOST German management mode to produce fifth wheel couplings king pins for tractors semi-trailers.

14. JOST applies most advanced technology of JOST and German management mode to produce fifth wheel couplings and king pins for tractors and semi-trailers.

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本文链接: http://jost.immuno-online.com/view-750210.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)